New to the Shipping Process? Here Are 4 Tips to Get Started

Shipping Services
Imran Kermalli Apr 12, 2017 • 4 min read
Shipping Services

Take a deep breath. There’s no reason to be afraid if you’re new to the shipping process. Everybody has to start somewhere. You just need make sure that you take the necessary steps to properly utilize your shipping solution.

Now for some cold hard truth: In the world of eCommerce, shipping processes can make or break a new business. Choose the wrong shipping partner or create the wrong shipping strategy and your customers could develop a bad case of disgruntled shopper syndrome. Choose the right shipping partner and strategy, and you may be able to catch up on that sleep you’ve been day-dreaming about. Let’s remove some of that beginner’s fear by going over some different ways you can get started.

Marketing by Packaging

Shopping online has changed over the years. It used to be a nice alternative to going out, but now eCommerce has dominated the market. Since eCommerce has transformed the way people shop, the shipping expectations of the customers have changed with it.

Think about when you order something from an eCommerce company. You want to see the mark of that company on the packaging so you know what it is when it comes to your doorstep. Packaging has becomes part of the presentation. Does your packaging represent your company’s personality as you want it to? Decide what kind you’d like for the presentation of your products and work that into the shipping.

Shipping Technology

Before we know it, drones will be dropping off our groceries and walking our dogs. Although we may not completely be in the era of robots, shipping processes have come a long way in recent years. Traditionally, damages or incorrect deliveries were based solely on the word of the customer. Delivery times were very general and hard to track. Technology now exists where you can give your customers real-time tracking and tracing of shipments. Barcode scanners cut down on the chances of discrepancies. Even mobile video has become a possibility so the package can be seen on delivery.

Above everything else that customers look for is the ability to track their delivery. Nobody wants to second-guess or rearrange plans to wait on a package. Customers want to see where their delivery is and when to plan for it.

Choose a Shipping Partner 

As your company grows, shipping packages through USPS becomes less feasible. Your orders can overtake the amount of time it takes to use the standard postal service. You need a practical and comprehensive shipping solution.

Create a Stable Shipping Strategy

When you have good marketing in your packaging, proper use of technology, and are partnered with eShipper, you’re on your way to success. With all of these different resources, you now have to plan out your strategy.

  • Gather Data – Find the probable lifetime income from a customer and find how you can lengthen it. What is your cost per new customer? What is the average cost per shopping cart? This will help you decide where possible money holes may be in your shipping processes and how to get rid of them.
  • Test different options – Review your competition’s shipping practices. How much do they charge? Can you charge the same or maybe a bit lower? Is there any way you can reduce your costs?
  • Analyze your results – This can be difficult, but you must be honest with yourself. Your company depends on it. Analyze the results objectively to find what shipping process strategy you should use to benefit your eCommerce company. Some of the results may be hard to swallow. There might be something you think would work well, but the results show otherwise. Believe the results. 

If your eCommerce shipping processes need to be brought up to date, eShipper has the solution. eShipper offers many different technologies to reassure your clients of the safety and predictability of their orders, and several different services to keep you in the game and to help your company grow. By using these tips and partnering with eShipper, all the fear of creating a shipping process will float away. Now get out there and become a shipping master!

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