Use These 4 Email Templates to Improve Customer Retention for Your Online Store

Dec 22, 2022 • read
Customer Service eShipper Retention Emails

It's no secret that online stores need to focus on customer retention. In fact, according to a study by Aberdeen Group, increasing customer retention rates by 5% can increase profits by 95%. And one of the best-known ways to excel in customer service and retention is through email. 

That's why we’ve put together our top four email templates that you can use to improve customer retention for your online store. These templates are based on best practices and have been proven to work well for stores of any size and in any industry.

So if you're looking to keep your customers satisfied and loyal while maximizing profits, then give these a try!

1. The Welcome Email

Welcome emails are a great way to start off the customer relationship on the right foot. They let customers know that you appreciate their business and are willing to go above and beyond to ensure they have a great experience. For small businesses, email is the primary means by which customers are acquired and retained.

The average open rates for emails vary depending on what they're sending out - but a personalized subject line email results in 50% higher levels of engagement than those without any extra personalization at all! 

Knowing this, it's imperative that you use your welcome email to introduce yourself, explain what makes your store unique, and let customers know how they can reach out with any questions or concerns!

The structure of your welcome email should include:

  • An introduction
  • Some information about your store
  • Any special offers or discounts your store is providing
  • A “thank you” for signing up (Customer Service 101)
  • A call to action

Infuse your store’s personality in the email and include a sign-off from you (or your store’s founder) for bonus points in building higher levels of engagement and loyalty.

Here's an example of an exceptional welcome email by Asana. While you might think that project management software should communicate differently than your store, many of the principles remain the same.

Welcome email eShipper

2. The Product Recommendation Email

Part of being a great online store is understanding the needs and wants of your customers. A great way to demonstrate excellent customer service is through product recommendation emails as part of your sales prospecting.

These emails allow you to show customers why they should stay loyal and active with your store, leveraging email and marketing automation to include product recommendations based on what the customer has already purchased or what you think they may be interested in.Most successful B2B marketers say that new product and feature announcement emails have the highest click-through rate.

These emails should have an inviting design and leave out any unnecessary information. Customer service is key here, so make sure your product recommendations are relevant and valuable. 

It's also a good idea to include special deals or discounts with the products you suggest, as this will encourage customers to make a purchase. By segmenting your email list and including the most relevant recommendations to your store’s customers, you’ll find that it gets easier and easier to retain long-term, happy shoppers.

The structure of your product recommendation emails should include:

  • An introduction (e.g., "We noticed you looking at...")
  • Product images and descriptions
  • Links to the product page
  • A call to action

Here's an example of an amazing product recommendation email from Prodpad.

Product-Recommendation-Email eShipper

3. The Cart Abandonment Email

This email is sent to customers who have added items to their shopping cart but then left the website without making a purchase. This type of email can be used as a friendly reminder for customers who may have forgotten about their unfinished order, or perhaps decided not to buy after all. 

According to Moosend, 45% of abandoned cart recovery emails are opened, 21% are clicked on, and 50% that were abandoned will eventually result in a purchase.

These emails should be engaging and designed to encourage customers to come back and complete their purchases. One email shortly after the cart was abandoned is a great start, but you can increase your conversion rates further by building out a full email sequence for abandoned shoppers. 

As with all the copy you write in your emails, more brand personality always wins. Make your customer feel it was written just for them, and they’ll appreciate you reminding them to finish what they started. You can even use this type of email to offer special deals, discounts, or free shipping in order to incentivize customers to buy.

The structure of your cart abandonment emails should include:

  • An introduction (e.g., "We noticed you left something behind...")
  • A reminder of the items they left in the cart
  • Links to the product page
  • Special offers, discounts, or free shipping
  • A call to action

Here's an example of a great cart abandonment email from Tools Express.


4. The Post-Purchase Appreciation Email

The final email template is a great way to thank customers for doing business with you. These emails can show your appreciation, encourage customers to share reviews, and suggest other products they may like!

Keeping these emails personal and friendly while also providing valuable information and resources is important. You could include links to helpful blog posts or additional product offerings that customers may find useful. 

Providing quality customer service through appreciation is key to customer retention. By showing up in your customers’ inboxes with a thoughtful note of gratitude, you’re increasing your chances of having true brand evangelists. You can even include a physical thank you note when your shipping partner packs up and ships out your product to really be remembered. 

The structure of your post-purchase appreciation emails should include:

  • A thank you for their purchase (Again... A Customer Service mandate)
  • Links to helpful resources and blog posts
  • Suggestions for other products they might like
  • An invitation to leave a review on social media
  • A call to action

Here's an example of an excellent post-purchase appreciation email from Harney & Sons.

Appreciation email eShipper

Final Thoughts

By using these four templates, you can increase customer retention and make sure customers have a positive experience with your online store. 

By crafting thoughtful emails that focus on providing value and creating personal relationships, you'll be able to keep your customer retention at an all-time high and encourage customers to come back for more. 

Utilize these four templates, and you’ll be sure to have a successful online store.

Good luck!

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