How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Retail Industry

Anzhela blog author
Guest Blog By Anzhela Sychyk Feb 27, 2020 • 3 min read
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Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more common for us, and it makes our personal and professional life much easier and convenient. AI has already found its implementation in many industries. In this article, we are going to explore the potential of artificial intelligence in retail and how the technologies keep changing this industry. 


Main Ways AI is Changing Retail Industry

Down below, you will find the main artificial intelligence retail solutions that help the industry to grow. Take them into account and make a new step in evolving your retail business.


Implementations of AI for retail are immense, but the first thing to mention is that artificial intelligence makes the overall shopping experience more personalized. An effective retail app can adjust the content that a visitor sees and make it more relevant, thus, boosting sales. 

AI can effectively analyze a user’s behavior pattern based on their previous search history and purchases made. It allows monitoring all browsing preferences and analyzing webpage visits to offer a more tailored list of products. The more personalized content you offer, the more chances are that a visitor will explore and buy products from the list.

Also, AI can generate relevant recommendations during the visitor’s session to keep them discovering the products. According to the latest research, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase products from personalized recommendation lists. This proves that AI can not just make the shopping experience more convenient for users but can also help retailers to benefit from the latest tech and increase their sales. 

Facilitated Products Search

AI shopping allows an easy, fast, and fun experience, thanks to the better product search. This solution doesn’t just offer more personalized recommendations based on previous search preferences. Artificial Intelligence has also made a visual search possible. The technology is only on the development stage, but many giant retailers, such as Walmart or Marks and Spencer, are experimenting with this amazing technological advancement. 

Soon, all companies will implement the feature when a user can upload an image and get similar-looking products to save their time and research efforts. This useful option will be at our disposal in no time, whereas other visual technologies affect the retail industry. For example, Ikea offers its customers a valuable feature of getting insight into the possible house design with the user’s apartment/house dimensions.

Better Customer Service

Timely customer support is an important aspect of any eCommerce business, and it can impact the final purchasing decision. With AI customer service, there is a reduced need for human support, especially for simple inquiries that can be solved within a minute. This way, retailers will be able to provide fast and effective AI-driven user assistance. 

Moreover, with artificial intelligence, customers can get instant help regardless of the location and time of the day. Also, users will significantly save their time to get the assistance needed, which will increase the overall experience and satisfaction rates. 

For businesses, it’s a great way to keep customers happy with services, process more inquiries within a shorter time, and reduce their operational costs on an in-house team of customer support representatives. All potential customer’s issues will be resolved much faster and more effectively. It will create a positive brand image and increase customer loyalty. 

Smart Shopping Assistant

Chatbots are becoming more and more popular in the eCommerce industry. Nowadays, they are already widely used in the form of an online interactive shopping assistant that stimulates a real human conversation to increase sales rates. 

Chatbots can help users to find a specific product they need faster. The technology has already been implemented by H&M and is being adopted by many other eCommerce companies. It can become a nice addition to your service that will enhance your company’s positive image and make people stick to your brand and purchase from your website. 

AI assistants can also be implemented to perform such tedious and time-consuming tasks as pricing, stocking, and looking for items in a store. Such solutions can minimize human error and provide a smoother and more effective workflow, as well as customer experience. AI programs can be used for more accurate inventory to reduce resources and time spent on it while keeping it precise.

Final Thoughts

AI trends in retail are growing exponentially, and this technology is changing the industry drastically, making it more convenient for both retailers and consumers. These are only a few ways AI is altering the retail industry nowadays, and we should expect more of modern technologies advancing eCommerce performance, as they are evolving at a breathtaking pace. AI is literally revolutionizing eCommerce while granting a better shopping experience for customers and more significant sales rates for businesses. 

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