And the Winner is: Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2016

Sarah Kermalli blog author
Sarah Kermalli Dec 29, 2016 • 4 min read
eCommerce Solutions

It has been a great ride. From the first Tuesday in January to the last Thursday of the year, eShipper has published a steady stream of helpful tips and useful insights into the art of shipping (if we may say so ourselves).

Although those blog posts that baked in the spotlight for nearly 12 months may have had a slight leg up on the competition, the topic that gathered the most views was published right before Thanksgiving!

So with New Year’s right around the corner, let’s practice the countdown. Here are our top blog posts of 2016.

10. Learnings From Olympic Athletes About Small Business Shipping

With the Olympics in Rio going strong, we took the opportunity to show just how much small business owners and those super human athletes have in common. You viewed the post enough to push it into the top 10.

9. 10 Shipping & Logistics Best Practices You Need to Know

This piece, published in January, racked up a respectable number of views – for good reason. Who doesn’t want to know how to ship internationally for less than the cost of a sandwich?

8. Make it Personal: Two Brilliant Ways to Engage Shoppers Online

One of the buzzwords of 2016 was unquestionably “actionable analytics”. That was also the subject of this post that you read to find out how to reduce bounce rates and customize your online shop to the delight of your customers.

7.  Delivered to the Door: The Monthly Box Trend

Oh, how we love receiving our monthly box of goodies in the mail. As it turns out, so do you. This post sorts out the reasons behind the booming monthly delivery services.

6. 3 eCommerce Trends Worth Watching

Market trends eventually become status quo. No wonder you tuned into this post to learn what’s next.

5. The Easy Path to Getting the Best Courier Rate

“As we sometimes tell our kids when they refuse to brush their teeth: there’s a hard way and there’s an easy way. Both get the job done, but only one makes it a breeze.” That’s the first paragraph of this post that many of you read to learn the easy way to securing a great rate.

4. Canada On the Rise: Domestic e-commerce Trends in Canada

Canadians like to shop online and their affinity for e-commerce keeps growing. That was the topic that landed this post near the top.

3. Need an Awesome Courier Company? Here’s What to Look For.

How can you identify which courier company is right for your business when there’re 2,400 to choose from in Canada alone? Based on the number of views, you clearly wanted to find out.

2. What Canadians Need to Know About International Shipping

This post was the only one that came close to threatening the winner. In fact, the top two posts were in a league of their own. Of course, you should want to know what to look for in a potential international shipping company.

1. Shipping in Canada this Holiday Season? Here’s What You Should Know

Hip hip hooray for the winner that we suspect rode the waves of the busy holiday shopping season. As you clicked to learn more about shipping in Canada, you propelled this post to the very top of our list.

Stay with us in 2017 as we continue to provide content that you can use to save money on shipping and put the focus where it belongs - on growing your business. Click here to learn more about us or contact us for more information.

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