Ways to Improve Efficiency & Grow an Online Business Organically

Mo Datoo
Mo Datoo Nov 19, 2015 • 2 min read
eCommerce Solutions

When you start an online e-commerce business, you will discover immediately that traffic is the name of the game. You are competing with every website in your industry and generating traffic organically can be a bit of challenge. Below, you will find innovative ideas to grow an online business organically. Once you have traffic and customers, you can then begin to focus your efforts on improving efficiency with innovative technology and partnerships.

Big companies like Amazon and Walmart generate millions of dollars in additional revenue by paying "affiliates" to further promote their products. Simply offering affiliates a small commission for each sale that derives from their website is often the best way to grow an online business. By developing an affiliate program you will have hundreds, if not thousands of marketers working to advertise your products.

In the beginning it can feel like you are over-promoting or advertising to a non-existent audience. However, if you stick with it social media outreach can be a great way to drive organic traffic to an e-commerce website. Actively engage customers and reach out in as many ways as possible.

You can produce video testimonials or show how your products can be used. Youtube videos are an innovative way to reach out and these videos can be a major asset to your business.

A blog is an opportunity to create compelling content that engages your audience and encourages them to return. After optimizing your blog posts for search engines, you can begin using that content for marketing purposes. The best way to do this is to syndicate your posts to popular places on the web for additional exposure. This can help the content get recognized and provide long-term traffic.

Take the time to publish genuine comments on other blogs. You will be surprised by how much traffic and interest a few comments can generate. If you comment on the right website at the right time, the few minutes it took to do so can result in long-term profit.

As you generate a steady flow of traffic, you will recognize the importance of improving efficiency and optimizing your shipping process. Consider hiring a consultant for advice on marketing & account management. How you ship goods and the companies you use for shipping is extremely important. If you have questions on optimizing your shipping and fulfillment process, please contact us.

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