Are you Neglecting These 3 e-Commerce Business Best Practices?

Mo Datoo
Mo Datoo Mar 22, 2016 • 3 min read
eCommerce Solutions

Efficiency is everything. In an age where everyone wants to have things at their door immediately, online businesses are king. The survival of your online business, however, depends on your ability to run it efficiently and all the factors that contribute to that. If you cannot stay on top of things, your business will flounder. Here are 3 best practices that can make or break your online business:

Oh, the almighty online reviews. The sad reality is that they aren't always fair. Angry customers will want to put you out of business, and more often than not most customers don't want to bother with giving a review, they just want their product! However, if you do not ask you will not receive. Send out an email to all your customers so that they can give you a good review on a Yelp page or on your website. Even if you get a bad review there is always a chance to right the wrong, and that customer could write an updated review that applauds your business for doing so. 

Out With The Old In With The New. Keep the content fresh. Get rid of information about old services or products, former employees that no longer work for your business, expired offers or specials, any information that is no longer relevant. This can aggravate some customers because it is false advertising and it is all about efficiency, customers want to find what they need easily, buy it, and then move on to the next item on their agenda. Make sure your website it running smoothly, make sure there isn't anything there that shouldn't be and always update your site so that customers have more products and services. Use the online reviews as a basis of what needs to be fixed, and what should be upgraded due to its popularity.

You don't need to be a celebrity to have a fan base, if you have a great service or product you are sure to have a good amount of followers. Thanks to social media, it is easier than ever to connect with fans and customers. Companies like Uber use it all the time to talk to their customers about their experience. Twitter makes it very easy for fans to put their comments out there for companies to see. Nurture your fan base, keep your customers satisfied. If you have a reward system be sure to seek out your loyal customers. If you have dissatisfied customers seek them out and see what you can do to help. Make sure you always get back to them in a timely fashion, social media is a great medium for addressing customers as soon as they have an issue or comment.

Efficiency plays a huge role in the world of online businesses. The reason that most customers turn to online shopping is because it eliminates the waiting on phones or lines, it gives them the immediate satisfaction they need. It also gives them a chance to take their shopping experience into their own hands, as an online business your job is to make the experience as easy as possible. Please contact us and visit our website for more tips and information! 

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