22 +
Years in the business
Up to 70 %
Discount on all major carriers
300,000 +
sq. ft. warehousing space
21,000 +
Happy and satisfied clients
50 +
Dedicated account managers
Here’s how our PBX service works
Pack the shipment, print labels, and put it on the package
eShipper picks up the package from your facility
The package arrives at the eShipper warehouse and is shipped to the US hub
Last-mile delivery of package done by USPS
YES – select the smartepost service offering and complete your shipping details
This is a deferred service, that offers very cost effective shipping rates
Yes, all shipments valued at under $800 USD are cleared under Section 321. No additional costs and no unnecessary customs delays
Once your product profile is set up with our PBX service, your products are considered FDA approved and will not require random FDA inspections and unnecessary delays
Yes, all shipments are tracked from the moment a shipping label is created and throughout the shipment journey including final delivery.
Partially. From pickup, customs clearance and inland induction and linehaul movement, all shipments move through the eShipper and Pitney Bowes network until the parcels are handed over to the USPS for final mile delivery.
YES – Due to the cost effective transportation pricing program, eshipper web store integration, customs clearance, FDA approvals and end to end shipment tracking visibility, the PBX service has enabled 100’s of businesses to expand their product and business reach south of the border. Transportation cost is no longer a barrier to entry.